
A Compendium of Useful Tips and Tricks, helpful  Advice and Articles

 Categories of Tips Submitted by Our Readers: -

Appliance Care & RepairBeauty - Business OpportunitiesBusiness -- Career - Career 2 - Chocolate - Cleaning - Cleaning 2 - Clothes, Care & Cleaning - Coffee -  Clothes and Shoes  -  ComputersComputers - 2 Computer Repair & Maintenance  - Computer Security - Contractors - Crayon marks - Dating - Detox- Dieting Tips - Dieting Tips(more) - DIY - Energy Saving - Food and Wine - Financial - Finance 2Be Frugal - GardeningGardening 2Green Tips - Green Christmas - Health - Health 2 - Healthy Eating - In the Home - In the Home 2 - Internet - Internet Browsing - Linty Towels - Leisure - Miscellaneous Information - Miscellaneous Tips - Misc - Mobile Phones - Mobile phones 2 Motorcycling - Organic Food - Pests - Pests 2 - Pets - Photography - Plumbing - Rice - How to Cook - Safety in the Home -- Safety in the Home 2Scams and Confidence Tricks - Security - Security 2 - Shop - Smells and OdorsSmells and odors 2 - Smelly Hands - Spectacles - Stain removal 1 - Stain removal 2 - Sticky Residues - Survive long flights - Travel Tips - Vehicles and Motoring - Waterhammer - Web Design -  Food and Drink - CleaningPetsDIYPlumbingMotoring - Vehicle Repair & Maintenance - Travel AdviceVehicle Repair & Maintenance - WD40 

 Some of our contributors send in several at a time :- Lorna's Tips, Ronniered's Tips, Ashwaty's tips,

In French :- Conseils et Bouts de Ménage, German :- Haushalt Tips und Spitzen 1, 2 .-- Entgiftungstherapien - Entgiftungstherapian 2

Miscellaneous Information

Alcohol Measures - Birthstones - Clothes size converter - E-Numbers and Additives -Equinoxes and Solstices - Fractions to Decimal - Keyboard Shortcuts - Latin Phrases - Latin Quotes - Metric Converter - Nutrients and Herbal Remedies - Numerical Prefixes - Paper Sizes - Phonetic Alphabet - Power Notation - Prime Numbers (to 1000) - SI Units - Symbols - Telephone Country Codes - Temperature Conversion (Body) - Japanese Words adopted in English - French Words: Ingredients in our food vocabulary - Vitamins - Essential Minerals - Herbs and Nutrients - Wedding Anniversaries - Zodiac Signs -

Check out our Articles, they are every bit as useful as our tip collections.

Check out our latest article:- Iodine Deficiency, what is the nutrient missing from some people's diet - affecting almost one third of the people on our planet - More

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