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General Cleaning Problems.
A Clean Dishwasher - Mold and Mildew - General Stains - Blood Stains - Ink Stains - Cleaning Brass - Cleaning the bottom of an Iron - Removing Paint from Concrete - Cleaning dirty Mini Blinds - Polishing Patent Leather Shoes - Cleaning a Brick Fireplace - Coffee Stains in Thermos - Burnt Food in Pan - Ink on Naugahyde - Soot on wall -
Q: Cleaning White Handbell Gloves. I play in a handbell choir. We wear white gloves to protect the bells. The gloves get dirty and we haven't found a way to get them white again. Any suggestions? -- Isabelle Walters- Reply
A: Handbell Gloves. Hi Isabelle, I have been a great fan of powdered Dreft for ages and pretty much use it for an all purpose cleaner; dishes, windows, laundry and floors. It seems to get out soil that does not come out with other products. I recently washed all of the cinches for the deacon robes at our church in my front loader with Dreft, extended cycle and extra water. The person in charge said they have never looked so good! Also try presoaking your handbell gloves in Oxyclean. Best wishes, Sandi - Tucson, AZ -- Sandi Putnam Comment
A: Cleaning Gloves. If you still need help, try Goop hand cleaner. Buy it in the car cleaning products section of any home store, like Walmart, Kmart, etc. Don’t wet the gloves. Just rub the Goop into the stain. Let that sit for 15 minutes and throw in the wash. It works on virtually any clothing stain I have except permanent marker. Kelley -- Kelley McHenry. Comment
Q:Cleaning an Antique Child's Dress. How do I clean this 100 year old child's dress and slip used in photographs by my great grandparents? --JHC2 Reply
Q: Cleaning Dilemma Do you have any advice on how to clean mold and mildew from kids bath toys? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you! -- S B Adams Reply
Q: Screen Lotion Smears. How do I remove screen lotion white smears from my car's black vinyl dashboard??? -- ruelens Reply
A: Try WD40 -- Davina Martin
Q: Soot Removal From Walls Hi, my tenants moved out and left a lot of soot marks on the walls from burning candles. How do I get these off so that when we re-paint it won't bleed through? -- Janet McMillan Zwirko Reply
A: Soot on Wall The best product for cleaning walls, especially soot from candles is a product called Dirt-X Can be found in powdered form to mix with water in your local hardware or paint and wall paper store. Give it a try. I love it! -- Jean -- Comment
Q: Terra-cotta cookware. I am baking pizza on terra cotta stone. With usage oil has been absorbed into the stone. How does one clean oil residue from the terra-cotta? The manufacturer's recommendation was to clean the stone simply by rinsing it in clear water and never use a soap. I tried burning off the oil in a hot oven, but this produced a plastic-like residue which I believe is harmful. -- Rachel R Reply
Q: Suede Hi, Any ideas on how to clean suede? Thanks -- Gillian Smyth Reply (Ref:0676)
Q: Paint on concrete -- My son and his friends spray painted a bike on my concrete patio!!!!!! ---- More
Q: How do you get stains off the rims of a drinking glass ? I use a dishwasher and /or hand wash them >>>> Help !!! Help!!! Reply (Ref:0113)
Answer - see the replies to the next question
Q: Utensil marks on china Does anyone know how to get utensil marks off china. All my plates have silvery marks on them! J. Peterson Alabama Reply (Ref:0114)
Q: Dinner Plate Stains How do you remove the black stains from a dinner plate? -- “Clark, Janis” Reply (Ref: 0081)
Answer (Ref: 0114) This is caused by the metal cutlery abrading the glazing coating the service. Try an old fashioned remedy from an old fashioned man - toothpaste! (Betcha it works!) -- Alan - Reply
Comment (ref:0114). My wife is over the moon, your toothpaste treatment worked beautifully..thank you so much...... stuart, alicante,spain Comment 08/08/2011
Answer Ref: 0114, Black marks on china hi, i have a very useful tip for people who are struggling with black metallic marks on their china. Simply purchase a bottle of cook top cleaning creme for smooth range tops. Rub a small amount on the area and it will take the mark right off. Works great! -- Cindy Stull Reply 12 Jan 2004
Answer (Ref 0114) Cleaning glass rims & china/Stainless Steel Restore Lime/Scale Remover also works well for cleaning my stainless steel sink. -- Reply Judy Steele
A: Ref 0113,0114 Cleaning glass rims & china The product I've found that works beautifully for both these purposes is Restore Bathroom Lime & Scale Remover (www.restoreproducts.com). N.B.: This particular product is non-toxic and safe to use for cleaning dishes--which is not the case with most lime/scale removers. (It also works very well for cleaning sinks, toilets, tubs--everywhere there's mineral build-up from hard water.) Good luck! -- Judy Steele - 03 Aug 2002
Judy Steele, MTP (Master of transpersonal Psychology)
Counselor, Coach, Teacher, Healer, Writer
Flower Essence Practitioner, Dynamind Practitioner, Huna Teacher
PO Box 44853
Eden Prairie MN 55344Response: Removing Marks on Dinnerware. Saw your tips online on how to remove silver marks from dinnerware- THANK YOU SO MUCH- it worked great. had just purchased new dinnerware and first use left the silver marks. I tries a number of cleaners- nothing happened. Saw your tips and figured I would give it a try- they came right off! You have no idea how relieved I am! Thanks for the tip- i will be sure to pass on!. -- Nancy Friess Reply
Q: Care of marble: I have a bathroom full of white cultured marble. Is there an easy, effective way to polish it clean without harming it? It is becoming difficult to remove the water stains (especially in the shower). Do you recommend a specific type of cleaning product? Thank you, Teresa Peres Reply Delores (Ref:0115)
Answer Ref: 0115 One can buy marble wax and other preparations. I would recommend using a professional marble specialist if one can be found locally -- DE
A: Cleaning Stainless Steel Sinks. Hi Janice, I have a cleaning service, and I use a liquid gel with bleach ( soft scrub) to clean it first, with a non scratch scrub sponge. Then dry well with clean cotton cloth. Use " Zeps " stainless steal spray cleaner. Polish with clean dry cloth. Zeps found qz Home Depot. My Clients love how it looks.good luck. -- hapy2bsav08. 10/09/08
Q: Help? Dear anyone out there Can somebody tell me how to clean a saucepan with a special non stick lining which includes a layer of titanium? Normally it only needs washing but I badly burned it and just don't know how to clean it properly and carefully? Thanks very much. Dolly East -- Reply (Ref:0122)
Q: 2 quick questions please Hi, can you tell me the best way to clean the stains from brass (?) fireplace doors, the trim around the glass is stained and darkened from use. #2 what is the best stuff to use on cleaning dark wood panelling? -- J. Bennett Reply (Ref:0123)
Q: I would love advice on how to clean food burned onto bottom of brand new Faberware stainless pot. THANK YOU -- Nancy G. Portland, OR"Gudekunst Reply (Ref:0124)
Q: Kitchen cabinets. Can anyone tell a way to get grease build-up off oak cabinets without hurting the finish? "Brenda Craven" Reply (Ref:0003) xyz
Q:Parquet floors? How do you clean Parquet floors?-- Armando Gutierrez, Mary Lindsey Reply (Ref:0680)
Q: Glass Cleaning - wax soot residue Greetings, I hope you can help. My father has burnt many candles in his sunroom over the past few months. Often he has neglected to trim the wicks, resulting in wax soot saturating the room. The windows have been covered with a film. Is there anything that will dissolve this wax residue off the glass? I have tried typical glass cleaning solutions. The glass begins to look clean, smudge free, but more rubbing and friction makes it cloudy again. Do you have any suggestions as to what may dissolve the wax? Thanks for any suggestions -- Val Bouchard Reply (Ref:0597)
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