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Q: Dance Wax. We are country dancers with a dance scheduled in a new location tomorrow night. Unfortunately we didn't realize that they didn't have dance wax until after 6 p.m. this evening. To our dismay, the Cut Rate China Store in our town was already closed and won't reopen until Monday. Is there anything we can substitute for dance wax that will work? I appreciate your help.-- Cheri Wright Reply (Ref:0021)
Comment: Dance Wax Question. Hi. I’m just wondering if you got your dance-wax question answered. I, too, am looking for a substitute for actual dance-floor wax. Could you please share what you’ve learned? I’ve heard that baby powder, yellow cornmeal, and talc work. Any others? Thanks. -- Connie Hohman Comment Oct 2010
Q: Roof Mold I need the solution to clean mold off a roof. I think it is 3 equal parts of bleach, water and something else. Do you know what the 3rd ingredient is? Thanks! Tracie McKay BORN. Leading Business Through Technology 1-800-964-2676 Reply (Ref:0023)
A: Tarnished antique spitoon. You queried regarding the removal of tarnish. DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it's truly an antique, its value will be significantly diminished by polishing!!!!!!! This applies to ALL antiques. When in doubt, just leave the item alone. The patina that comes from age is desirable to those that value such things. -- Regards, k Jun 25 2007Q: Enamel Paint on carpet. Does anyone have an idea for removing enamel paint from a carpet? (Ref:0027)
Q: Softening up those 180 count sheets. I just bought a set of 180 thread count sheets - poly/cotton 50/50. I washed them once with soap & liquid fabric softener to get the sizing out of them, but they sure do feel stiff. Any ideas on how to get them to really feel soft? -- Louise Cafolla Reply (Ref:0028)
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