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Hints and Tips on Stain Removal.

Act now to banish that stain:

On this page you will find advice on stains on carpets, marble and brick fireplaces, especially those shirt armpits and many more.

Blueberry, Tree Sap, Rust and Blood, all of these and more, Read on.....

Crockery Stains: This is an old remedy which may have been sent already, but for anyone who has not tried it, to remove tea or coffee stains from cups rub with lemon juice. This also works on stainless steel pans that are marked by boiling pasta, beans etc. -- anna_m

Mold Stains in Basin Sealant: Have tried various types of mold-killer but no success. Here something simple that really work. Line the problematic area with some cotton or tissue paper. Wet it with bleach, and leave it overnight. All mold gone. - Skyth Smith 08 Apr 2007 - Only use good quality sealant in the first place, high quality silicone sealant will not become discolored - Ed

Blood Stains

Blood stains.  For fresh blood stains, clean with hydrogen peroxide. -- Tanya Acosta,  

Fresh Blood Stains: To remove or reduce fresh blood stains, soak the item in a bowl of milk overnight then wash in the normal way -- jane rea

Removing Blood Stains I noticed on your web site a tip for removing blood stain.  It is simple . If you can spite on the blood stain ( as much as you can muster, and then rinse with cold water. I was a dressmaker making Wedding Dresses and I used to suck the fabric if I cut myself or pricked myself. Hope this helps, it was told to me by my neighbour who was 94 -- Annable

Blood Stain Cleaning . If you have trouble with any ordinary marks including blood, use face cleaning wipes. If you think on it they remove make which is coloured and greasey-- Annable

Blood Stains. Another way to remove blood stains from clothes is hydrogen peroxide. Put some on a cotton ball and dab at the stain till gone! Works great!! Love your site!! -- Sharon ~ AZ 04 Mar 2007

Blood Stains. To get blood out of ANY fabric, use hydrogen peroxide. Apply it directly to the stain and toss in the washer. I've used it on every kind of fabric, including satin, and it works like a charm. It also works on grass stains and mustard.--Belinda Russel

Blood and Grease
1. To remove blood from clothes, wash in COLD water, as soon as possible after the stain happens. For mild stains on white cloth, sunshine is a very good harmless bleach.

2. To get rid of grease (e.g. chicken fat) stains from clothes, dab on eucalyptus oil just before washing. The eucalyptus binds with the other fat and is volatile so disappears with hot water. Heavy staining might take a few applications -- Your site is riveting, I've enjoyed it very much Best wishes, Kate. -- Kate Sayer


Milk Stains

Milk or Baby Food Stains - To remove milk stains or baby food stains (especially those pesky orange ones) from white clothes, pour sterilising fluid (the type used for sterilising babies bottles) directly onto the stain, you should see the stain vanish in front of your eyes! Then wash the clothes as usual. DONT try this on coloured clothes as it will remove the colour. -- From Emma Smith-Mother of baby twins! UK

Milk Stains out of Baby Clothes.  
I love your site & I hope this tip adds to its greatness: To get baby formula & breast milk stains out of baby clothes (esp. collars) mix powdered dish detergent with water until it makes a paste & apply it to stains. Test on an inconspicuous spot first for colorfastness. This works because of the chlorine in the detergent. --  Lindsay Ducote   


Canvas Stains. 

I got yellow stains on my white canvas tennis shoes by trying to bleach them to remove dirt. I was able to remove the yellow bleach stains by soaking the shoes in a solution of 1/2 cup cream of tartar (I bought it from a store that sells bulk spices) and 1 quart of hot (almost boiling) water. The tip I read said to soak for 30 minutes, but it took 1-1/2 hours for my shoes. --  TDN  

Carpet Stains

It seems that kids always spill red kool-aid on carpets. One day I just grabbed the first thing I could find and it worked great! Lysol Antibacterial kitchen cleaner on a fresh carpet stain will immediately get all the red out. (any color, really) Just spray and dab it with a clean towel. This also gets the kool-aid stains from kitchen counter tops without using bleach. -- "D. Carr"  


Recipes for poultices for appear frequently in articles on cleaning marble.  They usually consist of an inert material such as chalk, gypsum or pumice and can include ingredients such as baking soda and hydrogen peroxide (for white marble).  I would recommend using a professional if the article is valuable  --  Axel Klystron  


Rust stains in white cotton: To remove the stain, rub with lemon juice and salt. Leave it several hours. It's even more efective when placed in the sun. Wash as normal. - - Patti  Seizetheday 

In Australia we have a product called Rustiban available at pharmacies only. It's a tiny plastic bottle with liquid in it of which one only needs a drop or two onto the cloth which has been moistened with water. Rust spots disappear while you watch. It works wonderfully. Only on white cotton as far as I know. Don't get it on your fingers or skin as it is corrosive -- Maroof

I believe that there is also a Stain Devil available for rust on fabric -- Ed

Rust spots on clothes can be removed by using Oxalic Acid,  my local chemist (drug store) made up a dilute solution which did the trick. -- Jean Smith Kirkcaldy



Stains on Clothing. I have found that most types of baby wipes work great on removing a strain from your clothing. Anyone with babies always have baby wipes handy. Try it some time it works. I always use them when my 2 year old gets something on her and it works great for taking ink from your skin. -- Bradley E Baker -- Nov99

Blood Stains

Blood stains.  For fresh blood stains, clean with hydrogen peroxide. -- Tanya Acosta,  

Fresh Blood Stains: To remove or reduce fresh blood stains, soak the item in a bowl of milk overnight then wash in the normal way -- jane rea

Removing Blood Stains I noticed on your web site a tip for removing blood stain.  It is simple . If you can spite on the blood stain ( as much as you can muster, and then rinse with cold water. I was a dressmaker making Wedding Dresses and I used to suck the fabric if I cut myself or pricked myself. Hope this helps, it was told to me by my neighbour who was 94 -- Annable

Blood Stain Cleaning . If you have trouble with any ordinary marks including blood, use face cleaning wipes. If you think on it they remove make which is coloured and greasey-- Annable

Underarm Stains

Underarm Yellow Stains: Try Oxygen based bleaches and stain removers such as OxyClean - Anne Tehrani Oxford-

Ink on Leather. We use Premium Leather Care-"Ink and Stain remover." A product distributed by Stainsafe Companies, Riviera Beach, Fl. 33404. Try to find it at at good leather store or contact Riviera. It works great. jcoburn3  

Hair spray will remove ink. -- Peg  

 Pitch on skin. Just looking through your site and it is amazing. When you get pitch on  your hands or just about anything else use butter. It removes the pitch immediately, then just wash with soap and water. Gay Forstbauer --   (Gay Forstbauer) 

Black marks on kitchen floors  Moisten a cloth with charcoal lighter fluid and rub. Works like a wonder!  --   Georgia

Scorch Marks: If you need to remove scorch marks on a table try sanding the area very lightly with a very fine sandpaper. You can purchase a crayon-like colouring stick from some furniture stores. Sand an inconspicuous area first and try shoe nugget or coloured wax to put back the wood colour before trying it on the table top. Another tip is cigarette ash rubbed on with a soft cloth in a circular motion. I've never tried that one myself, but it's an old "Wives Tale" remedy. Has to be only a light scorch though. -- Kirsty Brown  

Oily stains. The best product to remove salad dressing and other oily stains from clothing (especially that which contains some polyester, which is notoriously difficult to clean) is Prell shampoo. Squeeze a little onto the spot, rub lightly, and wash as usual. I would never use Prell on my hair, but there is always a tube of it in my laundry area. --   ESD

Oil Stains on your Garage Floor: Cat Litter or Talc soaks up the stain, you may need more than one application. As with any stain getting to it early is important. - Jean Farmer 12 August 2007

Getting Pee out of Kids Clothes My son has a problem about wetting the bed i have found that if you take  your regular washing stuff and add a can of  cheap cola  to your laundry it takes the pee smell out. It also works great on  getting greasy stuff out of clothes just let the clothes soak for about 30 mins. for both and when you dry them they will not come out smelling like pee.  ~Sabrina~ Michael Matthews 13 Oct 2003


 Crayon on walls  I haven't seen anyone say this one. Take a pad and just damp it and dip a little baking soda and rub and then clean off with clean water and that's -- DiKelly

Crayon on Walls WD-40 works great for everything from tree sap removal, to removing crayon off walls -- Vernon Tarski

Crayon Marks on Walls To remove crayon marks from your walls, heat it with a hair dryer for a few seconds, then wipe with a soft cloth. The wax of the crayon melts and will wipe right off. -- K Kristin  

Crayon On Walls   I have tried both of the other methods you have shown, and neither worked successfully. The only method I found that worked quickly and easily was to use white spirit (Mineral Spirits in the US) and an only rag. It works a treat, but be careful on emulsion walls (it works best on vinyl and gloss). --  Ian Matthews   

Tree Sap. Alcohol works, I used rubbing alcohol but you could try vodka. I drank all of mine -- Davina Martin.


Washable fabrics; Rub the area of the mark with soap, then wash as normal. If mark does not go away after several washes white cotton can be bleached but use a weak solution. Other material can be soaked in a mixture of 1 part hydrogen peroxide in six parts water. Check effect on color on a part not normally visible.

Shower curtains: To remove mildew soak shower curtains in water containing 20% chlorine bleach. To remove soap and water marks wipe with vinegar, -- Essy Edmunds.

Removing Mildew from paper and books:

In damp summer weather, keep papers and books as dry as possible to help control mold growth. If you have an enclosed bookcase, keep a small electric light lit continuously in the bookcase or use a chemical dehumidifier, keeping the doors closed as tightly as possible.

Remove any dry, loose mold from paper with a clean, soft cloth. If mildewed paper is damp, dry it first--in an airy place, if possible.

To dry wallpaper, heat the room for several hours or even days to dry the plaster as well as the paper.

Plaster should be dried slowly to prevent cracking.

If mildewed paper is washable, wipe it gently with a cloth wrung out of thick soapsuds, then with clear water. Take care not to wet the paper more than necessary. Do not scrub it. Finally pat with a soft, dry cloth. If stains remain, bleach with a solution of a household bleach, then sponge with a cloth wrung out of clear water.

For small stains, a commercial ink eradicator may be useful. Spread pages of books out fanwise to air.

If the books are very damp, sprinkle cornstarch or talcum powder between the leaves to take up the moisture. Leave starch or powder on for several hours then brush off.

This article was written by Anne Field, Extension Specialist, Emeritus, with reference from the USDA bulletin, Mildew. Quoted from the Michigan State University Extension Home Maintenance and Repair page.

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