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Bust the Dust

If you have allergies, then you are probably well aware of the detrimental effect dust can have on the body. Coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, itchy, watery eyes and even asthma attacks can be triggered by dusty air in your home.

Not only is the dust itself irritating to the nasal passages, throat and lungs, the creatures found in the dust can be even more harmful. They're dust mites, and they're so tiny that the only way to see them is through a microscope. Many allergy sufferers are allergic to dust mites, and being exposed to them can cause symptoms to flare up.

Here we've compiled some of the best ways to remove and prevent dust and dust mites.

Keep your bedding clean

It's essential to dust prevention to wash all bedding at least once a week. Sheets and pillowcases should be removed from the bed and washed in your washing machine. It's best to choose laundry detergent that is free of dyes and fragrances, as such additives can irritate sensitive skin.

Remove clutter from your home

The more clutter you have lying around your home, the more dust has to cling to. Plus, it's much easier to do your regular dusting when your surfaces are clear.

Practice regular cleaning habits

You will want to vacuum all carpets and upholstery, mop all floors and dust all surfaces at least once a week. Some allergy sufferers choose to vacuum daily -- which certainly doesn't hurt.

When dusting your furniture there are several options available. You can use a traditional feather duster, or you can use furniture polish and a soft cloth. There are even dusting mitts available on the market today that you simply slip over your hand like a glove, making the chore of dusting quick and easy.

Avoid carpeting and upholstery whenever possible

When shopping for home furnishings, it's best to steer clear of upholstered furniture and choose materials such as leather, vinyl and wood. Carpets are dust magnets, and the fluffier they are, the more dust they attract. If you can, choose hard floors for your home.

Keep pets out of the house

Domestic pets such as cats and dogs can greatly contribute to dust, dander and mites in the home. People with allergies should avoid keeping pets in the home. If you must keep your animals indoors, keep them bathed and brushed regularly, and be extra vigilant in your vacuuming and cleaning.

Try an air filter

There are a multitude of air filters and purifiers on the market today that can help remove dust from your home. These air cleaners cannot replace good cleaning habits, but they can certainly help reduce the amount of dust in the air. These items range in price from inexpensive to expensive depending on what type and model you choose.

Control the humidity in your home

By using a home dehumidifier, you can keep humidity in your home under 50% which can help reduce the amount of dust and allergens that accumulate. You can purchase these machines anywhere that sells air cleaners.

Don't smoke

Smoking is a major cause of air pollution in the home. Smoking causes harmful particles that attach to clothing, furniture and carpets. If you must smoke, do so outdoors. If you have allergies, insist that no one smoke around you or in your home.


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