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Travel Advice for anyone contemplating leaving
home for their two weeks in the sun. 

Four Useful Tips for your Holiday Trip

1. - Make copies of your birth certificate, passport, and drivers license and take on the trip with you, but don't keep them in the same place as the originals. If you lose the originals, the copies can help.
2. - Don't use the locks that came in your suitcases, a fingernail file can open them. Buy your own small padlocks and use them instead.
3. - If you normally get an upset stomach while travelling, carry pieces of ginger with you in a plastic baggy. Chew on them and your stomach will soon be better.
4. - Separate your IDs. Only keep one ID with you. That way, if you become the victim of a pickpocket, you'll still have your other IDs to help you out. -- WIBI2

Don't get lost - SatNavs are pretty indispensible these days but to be sure you are heading in the right direction - always keep a Compass in your motor car, especially when travelling abroad. – Hugh Sutherland Oxford England

Warning to women visiting Greece. Some areas have a Rape problem; I survived an attempted rape, however two of my friends were not so lucky.

When out late at night stay in a groups, preferably four or more. Being sober and with your boyfriend or husband is not enough to guarantee safety, My friend and her boyfriend were attacked by a group of four young Greek men, they beat my friend's boyfriend unconscious and gang raped her, neither were drinking at the time. If one of your group is a bit tipsy, make sure that she gets back safely. 

If you are unlucky enough to be a victim you should report the attack to your embassy or consulate as soon as possible.

The local police are often reluctant to prosecute the offenders preferring to blame the victim for what they claim is consensual sex while drunk. Almost all of the offenders get away with it. -- Fiona from Sunderland

Neat site. Here is a site for your Heath and/or Travel Links --  The device is for eliminating the odor from gas, farts or flatulence. It really works, I have one. The device is used for people who care about the odor of their gas. I used it for travelling with my family, we were confined in the car and hotel rooms. I was not embarrassed by my gas odor. The device is used for health reasons also, view their success stories. Just thought you might like to link to them. I love your site. Frank  ~~ Frank Morosky   

Non resident Indians (NRIs) Beware! Be Careful at the airport Please take note of this - it could very well happen to you. My suggestion is that you take a photocopy of the visa and keep it in safe place.

Source: "The Hindu" 20.06.03" This is a well-organised conspiracy by members of Indian Immigration, Police, Customs and Air India staff with networking at all the Indian International Airports. Be watchful when ever you give your passport to Immigration/Customs/Air India staff. The passport can be easily tampered with and can create trouble to on........


If you buy a package holiday don't be bullied into  buying from the agent -  odds are you'll be paying nearly double the price  you could pay online.  You are'nt legally obliged to buy from them - stuff  like having to sign  disclaimers so they are'nt responsible for your  misfortune are just  pressure tactics. Nick Garner SureUK  

Another tip.  Things like 'kids travel free' are now just about a  standard practice in  online travel cover - so if you're being charged  more for the pleasure  it's likely you are being 'done'. Nick Garner Note that we consistently rank  in the top 10% for price competitiveness


Mosquito bites To minimize or avoid mosquito bites maintain high (but safe) levels of B vitamins (B Complex). Flying insects will be turned off by the smell and taste of your blood. This is especially valuable when traveling in countries with Malaria, Dengue Fever and West Nile Virus. -- Susan Laputka Phillipsburg, New Jersey, US

Vitamin B6 and Mosquito bites: This advice has been around for a while; that high doses of Vitamin B6 will repel insects, I have tried the vitamin route with little success, but one of my friends swears by it. I did read in "The man who mistook his wife for a Hat" by Oliver Sachs, the Neurologist, that high doses of B6 can cause a loss of one's body perception as a side-effect, according to Wikipedia, this is known as loss of propriception. Camphor and menthol do seem to work as repellents as does a lit cigarette. -- Ed Milton Keynes England

Insect Bites. To relieve an insect bite apply an ice pack or ice cube for 1- minutes. Let the skin dry, and then add an antihistamine or hydrocortisone cream. - Maryam Husseini, San Diego, CA

Unwanted Insects: Avoid wearing yellow anywhere where there are annoying and biting insects as it attracts insects. --Scott Edmunds.

France. On holiday in Brittany last year we were constantly caught out trying to buy bread mid-day and in the early afternoon. Stock up in the early morning or early evening -- Rouhi Peck Wimbledon


To avoid a burglary when you are away on holiday, your luggage tags should show the destination address only -- Davie


 Rucksacks: When camping and walking where it may be wet, line the inside of your rucksack with a bin bag, and tie it to stop the contents getting wet. – J Whittaker.

Matches can be waterproofed by dipping the heads in candle wax. A box of matches can last twice as long by slicing each match lengthways in half. – Anon.

Cold Weather: Walkers and climbers, wear a warm hat, as 30% of the heat is lost through the head. – Scott Edmunds.

In a really cold environment use mittens rather than gloves.   Frozen fingers can be identified and remedial measures taken before frostbite sets in -- Jimmie Stewart   Dunfermline  Scotland

Cold weather survival.  Someone who had been on a course led by an SAS soldier told me that they stressed that you should pack your rucksack so that there is easy access to the materials for making a hot drink.  Hypothermia can be postponed by cups of tea -- Des Vine

Holiday. When in a new city for something different visit the courthouse – Graham Peck Wimbledon UK

Dentists When overseas be firm about avoiding amalgam fillings.  I was pressurised use them and it cost me a fortune to get them out when I returned to the USA -- Graham Doble Colton California USA

Planning to 'Do the Silk Route', Visit Iran, Afghanistan or Turkmenistan? We found a useful and very knowledgable guide when we visited Mashad and Naishapur in northern Iran. - Mr Hassan Rouzokh, Email- (+98) 09151081539 He also kept us amused and gave us some puzzles to solve to prevent our tour from getting bored. He will cater for individuals or groups. -- DE & EE

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Never argue with an Idiot, they will pull you down to their level and beat you with experience -- Anon










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