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Tips on keeping Cats, Dogs, Birds, Guinea Pigs, Reptiles, Bathing your Dog - and more. Fleas


Zinc and Birds -- If you keep pet birds then you should avoid using zinc - containing deodorising sprays. Birds are acutely sensitive to zinc. Mammals can tolerate and in fact need zinc as an essential component of their metabolism. Also avoid using antiperspirants in the vicinity of the cage, they usually contain aluminum which is also very toxic to birds. Do not allow them to eat bread unless it is organic, bread can contain up to 40mg/Kg aluminum additives and this is enough to kill them (especially small birds) in quite a short time. Some muffins, waffles and donuts have even more in the form of aerating agents. -- Good Luck Hermeine Sutherland  Milton Keynes England Note: The rumour that Febreze can cause sickness in birds is likely not to be true, note that Febreze no longer contains zinc compounds. - Ed

Reptiles Tortoises: When you feed your tortoise (land turtle) a few drops of cod-liver oil on bread every so often, and, in our experience, very occasionally some crushed up vitamin pills spread on his food will improve his general health.-- Comi Edmunds

Lizards and Snakes: If you have a small reptile that eats live rodents, you must be careful they don't damage your pet. Either use stunned rodents that still show some signs of life, or baby rats and mice. If you can't find rodents, or have a sick animal that can't eat them, then there are short term alternatives such as dog food, or baby food. This is normally too fatty to use for long periods of time though. -- Jake Farley, Utah, USA

Insect Eating Lizards: Never feed your lizards glow-worms or glow-bugs. They may be easy to catch but they are full of many different poisons and will kill your pet. - - Anon.Iguanas: My Iguanas like to eat bird food, such as mynah bird pellets, but make sure they contain fruit alongside all the vegetable, meat, and vitamin ingredients. Soak them in water for two hours until they are mushy, and then feed it alongside some fresh banana. -- A L Stevenson, Las Vegas, USA

Animals on Compressed Air. I'd Like To submit a tip: What happens when you put animals near compressed air, gas, or even smoke? Well animals hate the blast of air and will cause to vomit, get very ill, or even die. They'll scratch a lot and will react. -- Francesca Montenegro.

Rabbits. If rabbits are in any heat, over 65 degrees, they can have a heatstroke, which can kill them in 5 minutes or less. take a bottle of soda, empty it, and fill it up with water. now stick it in the freezer until it is frozen. stick it in the bunny's cage, it is like their own personal air conditioner.  Thanks -- Jess 


Pet Odors: This is for anyone that has a problem with pet stains and odours - even skunk. "Nature's Miracle" is fantastic!! It can be bought at Pet Smart. It is to be used full strength. It's rather expensive, but it does the trick. We have a dog and has been great for the occasional accident so don't know how well it would work on cat pee. But, it did work on removing the skunk odor from our deck and shrubs that got sprayed one night. It's really terrific stuff!! -- Mary Frankenfield

Answer:  Skunk Smell If you're trying to remove the skunk smell from your dog...try bathing him in tomato like a charm. -- Valerie Press

Birds: bird droppings. Love to let your pet bird perch on your shoulder but hate what it leaves behind?  Simple solution, just like you do when burping a baby, place a dish towel over your shoulder before you let it perch there. If Tweety has already perched and pelleted you before you cover your blouse, shirt or sweater, don't be in such a hurry to clean it off. Regardless of what you use it will smear and stain! Use a hair dryer or let it air dry then flick the dried morsel off and use a whisk brush to get rid of any remains!  

Pet Birds: When letting birds fly around the house cover windows with curtains and sheets to stop the birds trying to fly through the glass. Keep the toilet lid down as well. -- Hermeine Sutherland  Milton Keynes England  

Birds and Teflon: Hi, I just came upon your interesting website, enjoyed it and thought I'd add to it if I may.  Re Birds: Using Teflon pots and pans is unhealthy for pet birds in your house. The Teflon gives off a noxious gas during use. Thanks again for an interesting web site. -- Regards, Charyn Cordry "Chris & Charyn"

 Febreeze and Parrots: The zinc content of the deodorizing spray can kill your parrot. Some gilded cages also are deadly too. They contain paint that has zinc in it. zinc is very dangerous to birds -- Tim 159-

Guinea Pigs:   Oil the bearings of the wheel for your guinea pig or hamster -- Des Vine Portsmouth England

Rabbits should not be kept alongside guinea pigs, our one bullies his little friend -- Sally Proops age 10


Doggy Smells. To get rid of the smell on your dog, instead of using expensive dog shampoos, use a tomato (i personally use tomato puree in the same way as you would use regular dog shampoo) this will rid your dog of its smell for about six months and your dog will love you for it.

A dogs smell is the reason why some dogs will roll in about anything that smells different to itself, so by getting rid of its natural smell it won't have the urge to roll in anything. Relax, your dog won't smell of tomatoes, it won't smell of anything, can also be used on your self if you have a strong body odour.
p.s. A VERY IMPORTANT p.s. if your dog has light hair, i wouldn't recommend using puree, as you will end up with a pink dog, unless you want to spend a couple of hours rinsing him out, fortunately the dog smell will still be gone. -- Richard Russell

Dog Fleas

A good way to control fleas, better than a flea collar cut up is 20 Mule Team borax - found in the laundry section of the grocery store. Sprinkle in the carpet and allow it to work in - rub in with your hands or just walk around on it - kills the fleas and eggs and will stop infestation. You can still vacuum - it will stop the eggs from hatching. -- Val Precious

Zinc and Birds -- If you keep pet birds then you should avoid using "Febreeze". Birds are acutely sensitive to zinc. Mammals can tolerate and in fact need zinc as an essential component of their metabolism. Also avoid using antiperspirants in the vicinity of the cage, they contain aluminum which is also very toxic to birds. Do not allow them to eat bread unless it is organic, bread can contain up to 40mg/Kg aluminum additives and this is enough to kill them (especially small birds) in quite a short time. Some muffins, waffles and donuts have even more in the form of aerating agents. -- Good Luck Hermeine Sutherland Milton Keynes England Best regards, John Muller,

Reptiles Tortoises: When you feed your tortoise (land turtle) a few drops of cod-liver oil on bread every so often, and, in our experience, very occasionally some crushed up vitamin pills spread on his food will improve his general health.-- Comi Edmunds

Lizards and Snakes: If you have a small reptile that eats live rodents, you must be careful they don't damage your pet. Either use stunned rodents that still show some signs of life, or baby rats and mice. If you can't find rodents, or have a sick animal that can't eat them, then there are short term alternatives such as dog food, or baby food. This is normally too fatty to use for long periods of time though. -- Jake Farley, Utah, USA

Insect Eating Lizards: Never feed your lizards glow-worms or glow-bugs. They may be easy to catch but they are full of many different poisons and will kill your pet. - - Anon.

Iguanas: My Iguanas like to eat bird food, such as mynah bird pellets, but make sure they contain fruit alongside all the vegetable, meat, and vitamin ingredients. Soak them in water for two hours until they are mushy, and then feed it alongside some fresh banana. -- A L Stevenson, Las Vegas, USA

To discourage a dog from jumping on bed or couch when you are not home, put a few pennies in an empty soda can and place near edge of the furniture. Went Fido jumps up, can falls and the noise startles him. Be consistent and it won't take long to change behavior. -- Linda Morgan, So. California,   

Take your Dog for a walk before you bathe it, so it won’t have to go outside whilst it is still wet. -- - Ian Talbot, Rockhampton, Australia

To keep soap out of a dogs eyes when washing it, add a layer of Vaseline (petroleum jelly) over its eyebrows and around its eyes. - Ian Talbot, Rockhampton, Australia

Dirty or Tangled Dog Hair. To remove burrs or sticky substances such as paint or tar, soak the tangles or dirty fur with vegetable oil. Tangles can be combed out, and the oil can be washed out with shampoo. - Geoff Minter, Kansas

Control of fleas in pet's bed and furniture. Cut up a new flea collar into four pieces and place under pet's bed or under furniture cushions. This will keep the fleas away from your pet's bed and your furniture. Replace flea collar pieces when expired.  -- Anon

Control of Fleas in House. After vacuuming carpet and rugs, store your vacuum in garage. If vacuum is kept in closet or inside house, fleas will jump out of vacuum and return.--  iMac,  

Check out Diatomaceous Earth for the topics on Fleas and Worms


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