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Tips from Lorna

Sticky Zippers: Rub a candle over the teeth and it will zip with ease. Candle Wax also works for metal tracks on Glass sliding cases, window frames and file cabinet tracks.

Get a Grip:- Keep rubber bands on hand for the hard to open lids on jars just place on lids and it gives you a perfect grip.

Cucumber is not just for Salads

Quick Shoeshine:- Have a last minute meeting and no time to polish your shoes, use a slice of cucumber to put a last minute shine to your shoes, not only do they shine but also works as a water repellant.

Demisting Mirrors: - By rubbing a piece of cucumber across the mirrors will prevent fogging up.

Garden Pests:- Place a few slices of cucumber in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long.

Out Partying: - Eating a few pieces of cucumber before bed will help prevent a hangover.

Shiny Chrome: - By rubbing a piece of Cucumber over your faucets will eliminate tarnish and make them sparkle.

Squeak Squeak - Cucumber also works for those squeaky hinges.

Honey Heals:- Using 100% Honey to help sooth a sore throat. The healing benefits of Honey is endless.

Healthy Hair:- Warm distilled vinegar and add to hair for 5 minutes will remove chemical build up from shampoos, conditioner, hair sprays, etc will leave a beautiful shine and healthy hair.

Healthy Scalp:- Add Warm Apple Cider vinegar on the scalp for 5 minutes will help with itchy scalp and help to eliminate dandruff.

To remove oven cleaner from the oven, mix distilled vinegar and water into a spray bottle, saturate walls until cleaner runs down side and wipe up with and old rag. Oven will sparkle.

Use Pam for squeaky door hinges and helps remove paint of your hands.

Lorna Ledoux

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