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Putting Curtains on a Curtain Rod.   When putting curtains on a metal rod, slip a plastic sandwich or freezer bag over the metal end first so that it doesn't snag the curtain and it will also go on much easier. -- Sheri in Spokane

Sticky Desk Drawer: Squeeky or sticky wooden drawers can be eased by rubbing with a bar of soap. Before you reach for the WD40 for squeeky door hinges rub in some soap-- Axel Klystron

Furniture Restoration: To make furniture look older mix varnish with soot and then paint on. – Robin Ed.

Light scratches on furniture can be disguised by using a wax crayon pencil.   Another method is to rub with a Brazil Nut.  – Dave

Small dents in furniture can be steamed out using a steam iron or a damped cloth.   Be careful not to overdo it on delicate or very valuable items.  – Davie

Dents in Wooden Worktops. Wooden worktops could be the subject of dents if a heavy fallen object has hit the wood surface. If that happens there's a quick fix. Spray some water on the dent, place a textile fabric on top of the dent and iron the surface. Quality wooden worktop should react well to this fix and raise back. Thanks -- Ran wood and beyond +44(0)2082092662 - - 220 The Vale London NW11 8SR UHI

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We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world. -- Helen Keller

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