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Speed up your Start-Up. Some tips and advice on
getting rid of the annoying programs that cause delays at start up and slow down your computer.

It is frustrating when you switch on your computer and first Windows has to start up, then a load of other non-essential programs decide to load up as well, taking even longer. Here we have some tips that can reduce the wait.

Programs that start up when you switch on: There is a Windows console; the 'System Configuration Utility' which gives you control over which programs which will load. You can gain access to the console and untick some boxes which will prevent the offending programs from loading, please note that most of the programs are essential to correct functioning of your machine and should not be disabled. Only the obvious ones non-Microsoft ones should be disabled.

To access the console click on Start, Run, then type and enter msconfig into the box, you will then need to click the Startup tag. -- Riaz

More about removing programs. Hi I recently read one of your submitters tip about using the Systems Tools > System Information > System Configuration Utility > Start Up Tab etc.

I am concerned about the removal and problems of rebooting and loading programs associated with deleting critical entries by users not familiar with which ones are really necessary even with the submitters warnings, which were not defined with some of the ones you need to have on most systems. 

The best way to delete the programs from Starting up when you boot your computer and you have added programs to your computer and you get a lot of extra (right side) task bar icons added by the auto select features when the program is installing is to bring up each of the programs from the taskbar or programs menu and find the options/configuration/settings part of the program and uncheck any boxes related to have a "quick launch" or "start up" or "always ready" (there are many ways it may be listed but it should be apparent what the intent of the feature is) and usually there is just a box that needs to uncheck. It will stop launching at start up, you haven't changed your Start Up Utility Configuration which is sensitive anyway, or violated any other programs interactions associated with this program.

Just a thought. Probably not worded very well but, but much safer than messing with System Files for Beginners who end up deleting things just because "Well I don't know what that is so I guess I don't need it" philosophy.

Thanks and Congrats on a very neat Web-site. I printed out lots of tips to keep and refer back to and have added to my Favorites! -- Barbara

Startup Management programs. There is an alternative to using the System Configurayion Utility; there are several programs, some of them free that you can use. There is even a program that delays the startup of non-essential programs available.-Startup Delayer- you can even try deleting a few of the programs you rarely or never use. -- Riaz

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