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Cashback Websites !

If you or your friends buy goods over the Internet you
should be getting some of it back!

Take the opportunity to get some money back every time you buy something over the Internet! It makes sense to take full advantage of such an offer and the percentage of the return can be quite high.

The Casback websites we have discovered are:- Cashbackkings, Greasy Palm, RPoints, Topcashback and Quidco The most popular is Rpoints which was founded three or four years ago.

Some of the sites even give you a small gift when you sign up.

The Cashback site is a new idea that has taken off in a big way. It seems to me that the decision to join or not to join is a NO BRAINER. Who would willingly pay an extra percentage on a washing machine when it is not necessary to do so?

~ ~ ~ ~

Nasty Cashback Scams?

Please let your readers know about a nasty scam that was pulled on me and probably lots of others. We should all of us be making as big a fuss as we can.

I paid for a trip on National Express on the Internet and was asked the question if I wanted a free travel voucher worth ten pounds. I said I did and thought nothing more about it. Most of the people caught out by these people have had the same experience, they thought they were signing up for a ten pounds refund voucher.

Check out the excellent Website and note that there is page after page of people very annoyed at this scam.

I should have read the paperwork I was told to print out for buried in the small print on the crowded second page was the words telling me that my credit card would be debited monthly by £8.00. I was now the member of a Cashback Club and for the privilege had to pay eight pounds whether I used the scheme or not. Probably not illegal but NASTY, VERY NASTY. How did a company like NE be persuaded to give my details to the organisation operating the scam.

It seems that it is not only National Express but other companies are involved in this scam. Cartridge Monkey, Easyjet, Interflora, Allposters & Vistaprints all seem to use the same underhand methods.

Can I suggest that if you are taken in by one of these schemes you contact the Trading Standards Office or similar.

Richard Broadbent, Luton

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